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THE Deepest CUT

Back Cover Summary:

Charlie Robertson has blood and tragedy running through his veins from his distant ancestor, King Duncan of Scotland who was killed by his nephew Macbeth, nearly a thousand years ago. Clan Robertson has been fighting ever since, at Bannockburn, Inverlochy, Culloden and now in Charlie's own lifetime, so many around him have been murdered. 


Russian assassins are out to kill Charlie and he needs to disappear and devise a strategy to stop them. The perfect place is a lonely castle standing proudly on the remote Ardnamurchan Peninsula in the Western Highlands of Scotland. 


Charlie Robertson has always overcome bullies and has never been intimidated by anyone, no matter how big they were. 


The Russians would have been wise to become familiar with the story of David and Goliath before taking on Charlie. 

The Deepest Cut is the sequel to The Rarest Cut and is the fifth book in the Charlie Robertson series.

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