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London, 1940: 

Charlie Robertson

A Cockney boy growing up in London in World War Two. He uses his street-smarts to survive, and learns how to buy and sell conkers, Woodbines, and lead pinched from the roof of the Town Hall. Most other boys are taller than him, but he still runs rings around the bullies and bigger boys. As an adult, he can assess people by a look, or mannerism or a handshake and he becomes an astute businessman, buying Groots & Co for a very low price, then using it to market his pink diamonds from Australia. 


Ethel Robertson

Charlie's mother. Struggles to survive in war-torn London. 


Henrietta Robertson

Charlie's Aunt Hett, and Ethel's sister. 


Mr & Mrs Burge

The old couple who live in the flat upstairs in Charlie's terraced house in South London. The Burges share the Anderson air-raid shelter with Charlie and his mother whenever there is an air raid.  


Frank Robertson

Notionally Charlie's father, but not his biological father. Frank Robertson abused and beat his young wife Ethel, but fortunately, Frank was infertile. Probably because he was drunk much of the time. However, Ethel did get pregnant from Henry Thompson, resulting in Charlie. Frank Robertson suspected he wasn't the real father and threatened to kill Ethel and young Charlie, but he was put in an army hospital in Woolwich Hospital suffering from shell-shock. He stayed until he died in 1952.   


Henry Thompson

Who was Charlie's real father. A manager at the insurance company where Ethel Robertson worked, he was kind to the young Ethel and listened empathetically to her stories about her abusive husband, Frank Robertson. Their relationship slowly developed, resulting in a brief affair, before Henry was sent away to Birmingham in 1940 and never knew he had a son. Hed was married to someone else and had a family of his own. he died in 1968. 



Rebecca Gordon

A nurse working in Newman in Western Australia. Rebecca and Charlie meet and they fall in love and get married. Rebecca moves back to Perth when she becomes pregnant with Andrew. Rebecca becomes Rebecca Robertson. 


Sandra Gordon

Rebecca's mother and Charlie's mother-in-law living in Perth Western Australia.


Jim Gordon

Rebecca's father and Charlie's father-in-law living in Perth Western Australia. Jim and Sandra move into Charlie's new house at City Beach in Perth. 


Andrew Robertson

Charlie and Rebecca's son.


Sarah Robertson

Charlie and Rebecca's daughter.


Mrs Marjorie Jones

An elderly widow living in Perth who sells her land at Jasper's Gap to Charlie. Charlie explains the potential value of the land to Marjorie, but she just asks Charlie to put any potential benefit to good use. She also surprises Charlie when she tells him how big her land is, over 500 square miles.   


Robert Sonderstein

Jewish jeweller in Perth, Western Australia. Sonderstein also plays the role of a Russian criminal and businessman, aka Viktor Lazaroff in a sting operation for Charlie. 


Jack Foster

Charlie's lifelong friend who he first met on the docks in Southampton in 1940. They travelled to Australia together on MV Lowestoft along with Tommy Anderson and other children escaping Britain as part of Churchill's Operation Pied Piper.


Tommy Anderson

Charlie's lifelong friend who he first met on the docks in Southampton in 1940. They travelled to Australia together on MV Lowestoft along with Jack Foster and other children escaping Britain as part of Churchill's Operation Pied Piper.


Ben Goldman

Accountant at Robertson Mining in Perth Western Australia.


David Perkins

Manager of West Australian Mining & Engineering Consultants based in Perth Western Australia. Perkins is the man behind the detail design of the mine at Mt Robertson.  


Jacob Spitzer

Manager, Resources Financing Division, Commonwealth Bank, Sydney



Anne Sullivan

The receptionist at Robertson Mining in Perth. Also plays the Femme Fatale Ivana in a sting operation for Charlie along with Viktor Lazaroff. 


Richard Pratt

The corrupt and sleazy Director of the Western Australian Mines Department based in Perth Western Australia. Mates and drinking buddies with Damien Reynolds. 


Damien Reynolds

The corrupt and sleazy Minister for Mines in Perth Western Australia. Mates and drinking buddies with Richard Pratt. 


South Africa:  

Jan Kruger

A South African enforcer and thug for Hartog Diamonds. Lives in Johannesburg but travels the world eliminating opposition to ensure Hartog's interests always come first.  Ruthless, with the instincts of a sewer rat. 


Marius Botha

Kruger's offsider. Also a South African enforcer and thug for Hartog Diamonds. Lives in Johannesburg but travels the world following Kruger's direction to eliminate opposition. An evil killer and slob. 


London, 1980 onwards

Isaac Galinsky

A Jewish jeweller in Hatton Garden London. Robert Sonderstein's cousin. In fact, Sonderstein first contacts Galinsky to ask him if he knows of a way for Charlie to sell his pink diamonds onto the international market. Galinsky first alerts Charlie that Groots & Co is for sale. Charlie subsequently employs both Galinsky and Sonderstein.


Sir Alan Kingston

General Manager, Groots & Co Hatton Garden London. Kingston is tall, elegant and sophisticated, a demeanour he learnt in order to sell diamonds to the rich. He also knows the diamond industry inside out and Charlie realises this and keeps him on the continue to run Groots & Co when he buys it. 


Susan Phillips

Sir Alan Kingston's loyal secretary. She secretly has a crush on Kingston, but she keeps this to herself. 


Jeremy Braithwaite

The arrogant CEO of an Investment Bank in the City of London. 


Sebastian Smyth

The CFO of the same Investment bank as Braithwaite, and Braithwaite's drinking buddy.  


Dr Adrian Sutcliffe

The senior Registrar and trauma surgeon at St Thomas's Hospital, London. Sutcliff saves Charlie's life when he suffers a major brain injury. 


Catherine Walker

Chief Concierge at the Savoy Hotel in London. Charlie meets Catherine on his first trip back to London and a spark develops. Catherine eventually becomes Charlie's second wife. 


Simon Fiddler

Assistant Concierge at the Savoy Hotel London. Open to a nice fat bribe or opportunity to swindle a hotel guest anytime.


James Davidson

Manager of the Savoy Hotel in London. 


Konrad Lubbe

Ex-Stasi Colonel, now a major criminal living in London dealing in drugs, arms, money lending and prostitution.

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