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Diamond with Blood for Rough Cut No Back

Below are other readers comments about Rough Cut. If you've read any of the books, it would help me enormously if you could leave me a Review on Amazon, or on this website at the "Contact" tab above. 

Thank you. 



"Rough Cut is a thriller, grounded in real-life scenarios, war-torn London, children being sent to Australia for safety with all the subsequent trauma and heartache... Charlie's innate goodness, his natural courtesy, his desire to do his best, to treat everyone with respect and yet always be one step ahead of his opposition, make you want to keep turning those pages...

Peter Gray brings the necessary authenticity to all the mining and diamond activity in the story that allows the reader to move more fully into Charlie's world... 


Linda Godfrey, Editor for the 2016 Miles Franklin winning book, Black Rock White City

Sydney, Australia



"Peter Gray, a natural-born storyteller, has crafted a gem of a novel.

ROUGH CUT UNFOLDS LIKE A RIVETING MOVIE that transports readers through a twisting maze of intrigue in England and Western Australia. If you want a story that has it all, compelling characters, captivating settings, and thrilling drama, read this book!"

Leonard Szymczak, Award-Winning Author, Independent Publisher Awards,  

California, USA. 5 Star Amazon Review​



"A REAL PAGE TURNER... there's a bit of death, romance, and financial and geological intrigue... And at the front of every chapter, there's a fascinating fact about diamonds... "

Nick Rheinberger, ABC Radio Illawarra, Wollongong, Australia



"Rough Cut is the carefully worded account of Charlie Robertson's journey from rags to riches, and the people and the situations he meets along the path. Based on solid factual foundations, it has an eminently believable story and characters. It is part adventure story, part thriller, and part love story, with all the elements of an exciting narrative, and written in such a way that a good read at the beginning becomes A REAL PAGE TURNER as the story unfolds.

A story filled with optimism, set-backs, unexpected twists, success, failure, good guys, attractive women and murderous villains, IT HAS THE LOT, and the reader is left wanting more (apparently to be found in the sequel Brilliant Cut).

Can't wait!"

Dr Chris Lukey, Sydney, Australia, 5 Star Review



"My first impression is that this is a wonderful read. IT'S A CLASSIC PAGE TURNER... It is a powerful story, larger than life, which we all get a lot of pleasure reading about.

We are immediately drawn into the story...that gets our pulses beating and the pages turning...

In summary, ROUGH CUT IS A GREAT STORY that spans wartime London, post-War life in Western Australia, a business story, a love story, WA diamond mining, the world diamond industry, and life in London at a heady time. It's all good reading."

Pat McGowan, screenwriter, Sydney, Australia, 5 Star Review



"...A GOOD YARN, one that will appeal to many readers."

Gwen Wilson, Sydney, Australia




Pippa Carron, Canberra, Australia




Great story, can't wait for the next in the series (Brilliant Cut). Even interesting facts about diamonds at the start of every Chapter.  Reminded me of the best of William Boyd or Dan Brown." 

John Crampsie, London, England,  5 Star Amazon Review 



"...I LOVE THE STORY and feel that I know Charlie very well... it's like losing an old friend when I finish reading!"

Denise Burns, Sydney, Australia, 5 Star Review




Rough Cut is the best book I've read in a long time: the attention to detail in the story is amazing and the main character, Charlie, so believable and charismatic. He was not only a great family man but also a determined businessman who never gave up despite many major setbacks... I didn't want this book to end and can't wait for the next in the series."

Joan Burton, Lincoln, England, 5 Star Review. 




Charlie (Robertson) is very charismatic."

Anne, Lincoln, England, 5 Star Review 



"Holiday train journeys in Normandy recently were made more enjoyable with Charlie Robertson in tow. Rough Cut is an engaging story. The author's portrayal of family relationships is sensitive, the wicked 'baddies' scary, and I learnt about Australia and diamonds. GREAT!"

Val Bessant, London, England, 5 Star Review



"I really enjoyed reading this book. I found Charlie Robertson's life story interesting. Late at night when I couldn't sleep I would be entertained by the twists and turns of Charlie's life and the criminals he had to deal with. A GOOD STORY WELL WRITTEN."

Jeanne Pearce, Chislehurst, Kent, England. 




I did enjoy all the mining logistics and cheeky humour... it made a thoroughly enjoyable read! I think it would make a great movie."

Gwyneth Gladstones-Vaughan, Perth, Australia, 5 Star Review



"You give us the best of two worlds... the remoteness and unforgiving harshness of the outback Australian mining landscape... the densely populated inner-city London precinct with its affluent commercial history... the contrast is intriguing... we travel seamlessly from one to the other.

Two names that stay affectionately with me: Charlie Robertson, and Groots & Co. So familiar: don't we all know a Charlie Robertson somewhere? Groots & Co: I can't explain why. I just love the sound of it. A STORY WELL WORTH THE READ."

Fran LeMay, Broken Hill, Australia



"WHAT A FANTASTIC STORY! - suspenseful, romantic, educational and even some humour!

I can't wait to continue reading the series when Brilliant Cut is released."

Karen Jones, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 5 Star Review



"As a psychologist, Charlie Robertson has me intrigued. He's a man of polar opposite qualities. Love and commitment to his family and close friends sit alongside a terrifying ruthlessness and mistrust of everyone else!  He's a man on a mission to prove things to himself whether he realises this or not! Rough Cut is a roller coaster tale of one man's search for explanations, need for success and control, willingness to love and a determined refusal to forgive. Charlie is as complex as the worlds he inhabits in both WA and London. THIS BOOK WILL HAVE YOU RIDING THE ROLLER COASTER WITH HIM, GASPING FOR BREATH AND HOLDING ON FOR DEAR LIFE!"

Lyn Moorhouse, Canberra, Australia, 5 Star Review




I loved the family saga that told of Charlie's journey from being a child sent to Western Australia to escape the bombing in London only to return many years later as a rich successful entrepreneur seeking to trade pink diamonds. Memorable characters abound and many adventures. Tragedy, and triumph over adversity figure much in this story. The attention to detail and interesting facts about mining and diamonds make this a very interesting read. Looking forward to the next adventure."

'Rockgran', 5 Star Amazon Review 




Rough Cut - the rags to riches story of Charlie Robertson, the cockney boy who discovered diamonds in the west of Australia and went on to build a diamond empire.

WOW, THIS BOOK HAS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE - multiple plots, tangled webs, misapprehensions, intrigue, corruption, pay-back, murder with a little love and lust woven into its fabric - all in 49 short chapters. I'm looking forward to reading the sequel 'Brilliant Cut' when it is released." 

Peter M, 5 Star Amazon Review 



"Thank you for this book - A REALLY ENJOYABLE READ - looking forward to reading the rest of the trilogy. Well done... would make a great movie."

Ann Whiteside, NSW, Australia




A smart entry into the realm of thriller writing. The research for this book is impressive. The plot and the characters get the reader involved early on and the interest is sustained throughout. The book becomes an international thriller as well as a primer on the essentials of the diamond trade from mining to cutting to marketing. The book as a whole and the cover are designed to perfection. The writing flows well and the editing is excellent. I look forward to reading both the sequels as and when they are released."

Professor Robin Chowdhury, Wollongong University, NSW, Australia, 5 Star Review



"Having worked in the Pilbara and Perth, I very much related to your book! EXCELLENT PLOT, PACE, AND VERVE. Look forward to the next one!"

Peter Scevak, Sydney, Australia




The author's marriage of fact and fiction is truly amazing. The amount of twists and turns will totally capture your attention. A highly recommended read. Can't wait to read your next novel."

Rob Lammers, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 5 Star Review




Not only did I connect with Charlie Robertson and the story of his family, but I learned a lot about places I haven't visited yet. Then I had to stay with it to see what happened next. Looks like there's a sequel. I can't wait for it to come out!"

Susan Bilton, NSW, Australia, 5 Star Amazon Review 




Barry Pike, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 5 Star Review



"The fascinating details in this well-researched novel lend authenticity to the sweeping story that travels from the remote Pilbara region of Western Australia to the heart of London. The author's knowledge of mining and geology, and his research into the diamond industry, brought the story to life."

Caroline Vaughan-Reid, NSW, Australia, 5 Star Amazon Review




A great read! Plenty of drama and lots of interesting stuff in there about the mining industry and diamond business. Also really enjoyed the scene setting in London. Can't wait for the next one!"

James Doughty, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 5 Star Amazon Review




Great story in this first book, following Charlie from his poor childhood to the peak of his personal life and his diamond business. Very much enjoyed reading it, found it well written and the story involved enough to keep me reading. I really enjoyed the diamond side of the story too, it's an interesting twist to the story from rags to riches. Now I can't wait to read the next one!"

Donna Dee, 5 Star Amazon Review



"Charlie Robertson has somehow survived but his arch enemies are still alive too, I wonder what the rest of the trilogy will hold? I REALLY ENJOYED THIS FIRST NOVEL and am full of admiration for Peter Gray who has successfully turned to writing as a second career. Looking forward to the next book! "

Val Watson, Chislehurst, Kent, England, 5 Star Review



"It took me three days to read it and I WAS CAPTIVATED... IT WAS AMAZING! THIS NEEDS TO TURN INTO A MOVIE. I learnt lots about the pink diamond trade and absolutely loved how you had a little diamond fact at the start of every Chapter. I also loved the short Chapters and how you told two stories within each Chapter until they merged together when Charlie was bashed up. I'll be definitely ordering the sequel. Well done Peter, an absolute good read!"

Simone McGarry, NSW, Australia, 5 Star Review



"Peter Gray found a gap in the market for Australian thrillers. His debut novel Rough Cut is A DEFINITE PAGE TURNER with strong characters, a good plot and fluent readable dialogue. The story is much enhanced by his detailed knowledge and experience not only of the mining industry but also of British and Australian environments and cultures as the book veers between the two countries. Highly readable and STRONGLY RECOMMENDED FOR THOSE LOOKING FOR AN ORIGINAL THRILLER. He plans two sequels at least one of which is available on Amazon and elsewhere. "

Professor Julian Mincham, London, England, 5 Star Amazon Review




Rough Cut is a most enjoyable thriller/adventure novel. The violence in the first two pages is a real attention grabber. Instead of narrating the circumstances behind the savage beating of an apparently innocent man, the author whets our appetite by leaving very short instalments at the end of each chapter, wherein he provides in miniscule detail a very slow update on the condition of the beaten-up man. This technique pushes the reader to plunge into the pages of the novel in an attempt to satisfy his curiosity. It's not until much, much later that the circumstances leading up to the beating up is revealed. 

I have no hesitation in recommending this novel to any person who loves a good thriller. In addition to its entertainment value, 'Rough Cut Diamonds to Die For' is also very informative—I have leanrt a lot about the mining industry. ... and A BEAUTIFUL ROMANCE ADDS SPICE TO THIS INCREDIBLE NOVEL. A thoroughly enjoyable novel and I am already totally immersed in the second volume of this amazing trilogy – Brilliant Cut!" 

Riddhi Bargon, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 5 Star Review



"What can I say? I just read the first book (Rough Cut) ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!  Had me in tears in a couple of places, but I read it in a day!!!! I usually fall asleep when reading, but no chance of that with your book. Can't wait to read the next two. Great work, keep it up!" 

Shirley Wicks, London, England, 5 Star Review 



"I got your book yesterday, and I’m now halfway through it — I CAN'T PUT IT DOWN!

What a great read — BRILLIANT!

I’ve just ordered the other two books. Has stopped me chewing the wallpaper!”

Jean Evenden, Clacton, England, 5 Star Review



"Thank you for your book—I have been reading it in the sunshine. BRILLIANT READING! A REAL PAGE TURNER!

Barbara Hagen, Essex, England, 5 Star Review


"...A SUPERB BOOK. It's a great story and beautifully written, definitely a page-turner. I really enjoyed reading it and rate it well up there with some of the books by other fiction writers I enjoy like Jeffrey Archer and Frederick Forsyth. It's all the more remarkable being your first novel... I'm super impressed! 

Andy Williams, Newcastle, NSW, Australia. 


"ROUGH CUT WAS A JOY TO READ and had me up late at night. The "hero" isn't really, and could be any of us. Both my wife and I enjoyed Rough Cut and she is into Brilliant Cut while I wait impatiently for my turn. Read these stories, they're refreshingly readable.

Ian Mackreth, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 5 Star Review 



Can't wait for the next book!"

Doreen Kirchner, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 5 Star Booktopia Review 


"FANTASTIC BOOK!  Excellent well-written story. A page-turner, I couldn't put the book down and am now enthralled with the sequel!"

Melissa Szymczak, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 5 Star Amazon Review



Dave Catterall, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 5 Star Review 


"IT WAS RIVETING. I have just finished reading Rough Cut... it was riveting, an engrossing read. I thoroughly enjoyed it and will be buying the other books you have written. Rough Cut would make a simply wonderful movie..."

Dianne Bates, Author, NSW, Australia


"I WAS TOTALLY EMERSED. I have just finished Rough Cut. I was totally emersed in the plot and found I had problems putting it down to get on with jobs I had to do. Thank you for a very enjoyable read. I have just started Brilliant Cut and ordered The President's Cut and am full of anticipation."

Andrea Wood, London, England


"A MASTER STORYTELLER... Peter Gray is a master storyteller; his literary skills grip your heart and mind. You will experience all the highs and lows of the human condition. Ensared from paragraph 1, you proceed on the bumpiest of rides, beginning in Perth as the rough diamond and continuing to London and the pinnacle of 'Pink Perfection'. Along the way you learn more about diamonds than Richard Burton. You will yearn to visit Australia the country that keeps on giving."

Catherine Richards, St Fagans, South Wales, UK.


"I ENJOYED THE STORY ENORMOUSLY... couldn't fault the writing and that’s a bonus one can't attribute to many of the books on the bookshelves lately. I could relate to Charlie's story so well. I enjoyed the book so much I found myself at times only allowing myself to read it in smallish bursts so I wouldn't finish it too soon. I am looking forward to reading Brilliant Cut."

Jean Dennis, Thirroul, NSW, Australia


"WHAT  A GREAT STORY ROUGH CUT IS. I started reading it when I finished David Baldacci's "No Man's Land".  I finished reading Rough Cut in two sessions and thoroughly enjoyed it, even better than Baldacci. I like your writing style and the book has something for everyone, from a family story, intrigue to violence (for those who need it)."

Professor Denis Montgomery, Wollongong University, NSW, Australia



I read "Rough Cut" on the recommendation of friends, who know that I like crime fiction. Obviously, there's an element of 'rags-to-riches' interest in Charlie's story, and this was well managed and I found it believable. One aspect of the structure of the story that I found really fascinating (and orginal?) was the 'sub-story' of Charlie in hospital, clearly in the future as the early Chapters are developed. However, these early Chapters do lead you to suspect various people as the villains who are going to be responsible for putting Charlie in hospital. But which of them is it? This only becomes clear much later in the story. 

There is plenty of suspense throughout the book, and some dastardly acts by villains against Charlie and his growing empire that inevitably prompt emotional responses. 

I did find that at the end of a Chapter I wanted to go straight on to the next one to see 'what happened next'! That is to say, the book is the traditional page-turner.

I found the book a pleasure to read."

Jim Savage, East Sussex, England



Thanks for a thoroughly enjoyable story and journey you have created in your first novel. I am even more impressed that a brilliant engineer has become a fantastic storyteller."

Frank Soto, SOTO Consulting Engineers, Wollongong, NSW, Australia



I enjoyed Rough Cut so much that I have just bought the next 2 books in the Charlie Robertson series—Brilliant Cut and The President's Cut. Peter Gray's characters are brought to life by his excellent storytelling which got me so involved that I had to keep reading to the end. I cannot wait to start Brilliant Cut to continue Charlie's story."

Ann Burns, Wemyss Bay, Scotland​



Rough Cut is a pleasure to read.  It has an absorbing storyline with believable characters. As Isaac Galinsky (Charlie Robertson's diamond expert) said to Charlie, "FLAWLESS."

Michael Thomas, Wollongong, NSW, Australia



...I love it. I like the way you wrote it and the storyline. We (my husband and I) haven't been to London but we have seen a bit of Western Australia and your storyline took me back to places we had visited there. You have made the character of Charlie Robertson so real and endearing so much so that I want to get your next two books. I will pass around our copy of Rough Cut to my family as I think you are a great author."

Sasha Holowinski, Thirroul, NSW, Australia

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